Navi RadjouAmerica should benchmark itself against rest of the world to boost its global competitivenessWhile I am proud Siemens will build America’s first high-speed train in my home state New York, the train’s name American Pioneer 220…2d ago2d ago
Navi RadjouB2B Sharing Economy : Unlocking A $3 Trillion Economic And Social OpportunityDigital platforms including Uber, Airbnb, BlaBlaCar and SpotHero already enable millions of individuals to share their underused cars…Sep 5Sep 5
Navi RadjouVirginia’s Community Colleges show how to #FastForward AmericaCNBC has ranked the Commonwealth of Virginia #1 among America’s Top States for Business in 2024.Aug 27Aug 27
Navi RadjouIn 2024, Kamala Harris should focus her climate plan on people and places — as she did in 2019In summer 2019 when she ran for the highest office for first time, Kamala Harris unveiled a $10 trillion climate plan to fight global…Aug 27Aug 27
Navi RadjouTurning Climate Awareness into Climate ActionThe Yale Program on Climate Change Communication and George Mason University’s Center for Climate Change Communication categorize Americans…Aug 26Aug 26
Navi RadjouFrom leapfrogging to trailblazing: India in 2047As India celebrates today its 78th Independence Day, it needs to reflect on how it intends to harness and utilize the Shakti (manifesting…Aug 15Aug 15
Navi RadjouWriting my new book helped me see the US Hinterland differently — as the source of America’s…Can writing a book be therapeutic ?Jul 30Jul 30
Navi RadjouA country’s greatness is measured not by its GDP growth but its social impactIn my upcoming book The Frugal Economy, I put it provocatively:Jul 26Jul 26
Navi RadjouGlobal IT Outage: It’s Time to DECENTRALIZE EverythingIn my upcoming book The Frugal Economy, I make a very strong case for the DECENTRALIZATION of everything.Jul 19Jul 19
Navi RadjouBreak Human Limits AND Respect Planetary Limits in a Frugal EconomyIn two weeks, in Paris, will begin the Summer Olympics 2024 where athletes are expected to BREAK the LIMITSJul 12Jul 12