Beyond BigTech: LowTech, SmallTech, and WiseTech
Challenging #BigTechs’ monopoly on innovation (and its dubious social value) Dr. Michael Joyner at Mayo Clinic shows how SMALL TECH — led by grassroots #makers — can use tech meaningfully to solve our major social & ecological problems faster, better, cheaper:
While #LowTech focuses on the HOW of innovation (i.e. sustainability), #SmallTech tackles the WHO of innovation (de-monopolizing innovation by empowering grassroots #makers).
The #WiseTech concept I propose integrates the goodness of #LowTech and #SmallTech and completes them by asking a more fundamental question: “WHY do we innovate?” i.e., what’s the PURPOSE of innovation, and what’s the INTENTION of the innovator (as the Buddhists would say: “how noble is your sankalpa (intention) when you innovate?”)
Let’s broaden and deepen the debate on #BigTechs by raising 4 key questions:
— WHO should (can) innovate? Rather than break up #BigTechs, how can the government EMPOWER grassroots #makers & citizen #scientists? Tom Kalil did some excellent work in this area when he was at the White House in the Obama administration.
— HOW can we innovate frugally using fewer resources — without overtaxing the environment and people (burnout is rampant in Silicon Valley)?
— WHY do we innovate? The purpose of innovation should be to tackle big global problems (climate change, inequality)
— WHAT do we innovate? How can we create innovative products/services that benefit the MASSES rather than the elite (a $1,000 smart phone benefits only 10% of the global population)?
#frugalinnovation #WiseTech #LowTech #SmallTech #jugaad #bigtechs