Reinventing the dominant META-PARADIGM
I just submitted an article to a top management journal
I had 10 weeks to write it. I didn’t do anything for 9 weeks. I felt I was procrastinating but I knew something deeper was going on
Last Friday, I sat down and the 4,300-word article “wrote by itself” in 3 days.
Here is what happened
My article introduces a new META-PARADIGM
A Meta-Paradigm is a centuries/millennia-old socio-cultural belief system deeply entrenched in our psyche.
It is the SOLID SUBCONSCIOUS FOUNDATION for all our existing/new paradigms that drive our economies and societies (see top half of the graphic below)
When we think we introduce a “new paradigm”, however radical it sounds, we are merely introducing a Big Idea that is built on the same old Meta-Paradigm
My article challenges a centuries-old socio-cultural meta-paradigm. I was scared to s**t to write it as I was defying my OWN belief system and my ancestors
But when I let go my insecure Ego (Existing Navi), my Soul (Future Navi) took over & wrote the article effortlessly
I captured in graphic below my experience (sorry if it’s half-baked!)
In the world of ideas, the Ansoff matrix of product vs market applies only when you innovate within existing meta-paradigm. When you want to create a new meta-paradigm you need to innovate with “non-dual” consciousness